Wow...it is amazing how much can get accomplished with the right motivation! The house looks like a tornado hit it. Between the stuff that is getting put into storage, the stuff that we are keeping in the house, and the stuff that is going to Goodwill, it looks like we are a couple of slobs. We have been using a neighbor's truck to get stuff to storage and have already made 3 trips so far. I couldnt believe the amount of stuff
we had been accumulating in the bedroom downstairs! We cleaned that out and have made it into a library. We moved a couple of recliners down there and put the bookcases in there too. It is the most peaceful room in the house at the moment.

With everything going on I am surprised the kitties arent more psycho than they are. I think they are used to me moving furniture from room to room and they think this is just me being restless again. Heh...Yeah...I hope they keep thinking that until we shove their furry little butts in the Boxes of Doom and then pack the boxes in the Big Rumbly Machine for the next 10 hours. LOL.
I have posted pix of the disaster that is currently taking over my life. The pix are of the Formal Dining Room. It is normally the cleanest and least cluttered room in the house. Now we are using it as a catch all for the stuff to go to storage.
The window seat is being used as a catch all for the stuff that is going to Goodwill. I hope the guys dont get it mixed up and send our Goodwill stuff to our storage space.

The bathroom is almost finished. It has been a struggle the entire time. If the contractor shows up he only stays a couple of hours. The last few days though, he has been spending 4-5 hours here trying to finish the job. We are expecting it to be finished by the weekend. I know...I know...I have been saying that for weeks now, but he has 15 tiles, the windows, and the grout and it is finished. In fact, we asked him to come early today since we wont be here after noon and he showed up at 9. Trust me...this is progress.
The Realtor is coming tomorrow because we apparently need to be humbled - she is telling us what we should list the house at and what still needs to be done before it can go on the market. Ugh...not looking forward to that. But for as humbling and as frustrating as this all is...it is still better than Day +1 at the old office. Ha Ha.
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