Thursday, February 28

Much Thanks

I am in the process of changing the look of my blog. As a control freak, everything must be perfect so I am still working out some of the crap I hate. At the moment, however, I am at a point that I can live with. I have to say 'thank you' to my friend Jerry. When I got to the code manipulation part he was available to talk Geek to me and help me get it sorted out.

In a while I will give an update on my dad. I want to get all the details first. Keep him in your thoughts though; he may need some good thought mojo to get him better.


Jerry Deese said...

Ya now, you could have just linked it to the Flickr account instead of that one photo. Sheesh, like this:

Jerry and his fantastic photos!!

Teri said...

Nothing like a little self promotion to end a perfect day

Jerry Deese said...

Well, at least I did mention my website, :)